KUNR Community Representation Statement
KUNR is committed to ensuring that its workforce and any governing boards it establishes strive to reflect the diversity found in the communities it serves. Central to KUNR’s mission, vision and values is maintaining a governing and workplace environment which recognizes each individual’s uniqueness and human value. KUNR strives to create and foster a supportive and accepting environment in which everyone can be successful and supported in pursuing and realizing their full potential within the organization.
KUNR seeks a diverse workforce and governing body, recognizing and harnessing distinct capabilities, perspectives and personalities of each individual within the group. On a personal level, the diversity of an individual is defined by their cultural and personal differences, as well as their life and professional experiences.
KUNR believes that diversity considerations extend beyond race, ethnicity, national origin and gender. The spectrum of diversity includes disability, religious belief, ideology, age, culture, sexual orientation, physicality, education and socioeconomic status.
KUNR is an equal opportunity employer and will attempt to recruit a diverse workforce — explicitly forbidding discrimination or harassment.
KUNR has set the following diversity goals:
- To actively promote open positions through channels and avenues aimed at reaching diverse audiences of potential employees.
- To seek diverse interview subjects, topics, content-generators, producers and creative talents to influence and produce content reflecting diverse audiences and perspectives.
- To identify ways to continually improve recruitment and retention of qualified candidates to achieve diversity in the makeup of the station’s team.
- To provide equal opportunity in employment.
- To educate our management and staff annually in best practices for maintaining an inclusive and diverse environment for all persons.
- To seek and nominate candidates for station boards, advisory groups or workgroups that represent the geographically and demographically diverse composition of the many communities we serve and our diverse society at large.
- To assist in developing a more diverse future workforce of talented people with professional skills in the broadcasting/media industry. This is accomplished through activities such as recruiting diverse candidates for internship and related opportunities, participating in minority or other diversity job fairs and networking and relationship-building within diverse communities.
KUNR works closely with the University of Nevada, Reno, its licensee, and reflects the university’s commitment to recruiting and hiring a diverse and vibrant workforce. Recruitment includes outreach through diversity websites*, social media, advertisement, on-air, word-of-mouth, internal and external networking and other station, industry, community and university channels.
KUNR’s staff, volunteers and interns are reflective of our increasingly diverse community. Since 2020, KUNR has continually examined and refined its efforts to identify and utilize online and other sources to foster a diverse workforce of qualified and talented team members. KUNR also continues to hone its coverage plan to incorporate more journalism about Northern Nevada’s tribal communities and growing Hispanic and Latino population, which includes the station’s ongoing effort to air and publish its stories in Spanish.
Through training* at staff, management and board levels, participation in minority job fairs, recruiting diverse interns and/or other initiatives, KUNR is committed to the ideals of honoring the inherent value in all people from all backgrounds who together bring their talents and skills to our organization for the benefit of the diverse communities and audiences we serve. Since 2022, KUNR has made great strides in diversifying its staff. Today, a majority of the station’s management team are females, more than a quarter of our entire staff are people of color and about a fifth of that staff are people with a disability. Over the next year, KUNR will continue to push for more journalism in Spanish as well as coverage of historically underserved communities.
*To see a full list of our annual trainings and recruitment sources, view our EEO Public File Report.