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Candidates Spar Over Budget Issues at NV Gov. Debate

Brian Sandoval (R) and Rory Reid (D) speaking during their 2nd debate
Brian Sandoval (R) and Rory Reid (D) speaking during their 2nd debate


In his opening statement, Republican Brian Sandoval attacked Rory Reid, the Democrat, for the budget plan he's outlined.Brian Sandoval: "It's very easy to stand in front of a group and tell them I'm not going to raise your taxes and stand in front of another group of educators and say I'm not going to cut the university funding, I'm not going to cut K-12 spending but I tell you, if you're telling everybody what they want to hear, you're lying to someone."Sandoval went on to call large chunks of Reid's budget plan "fantasy money."But Rory Reid (the son of US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid) defended his plan. He says he wants to consolidate large segments of state government to preserve education.Rory Reid: "There are 26 Departments in the State Government- I believe we only need 16 and that's how we're gonna balance the budget without taxes."Rory Reid: "I can't criticize Brian's budget because he simply doesn't have one."Sandoval didn't point to a written-out plan like Reid has on his website, but he did spell out his budget philosophy.Brian Sandoval: "No tax ever created a job."While teachers, firefighters, and police officers might disagree with that last statement, Sandoval made it clear he didn't want to burden businesses with any more tax burden. His budget fix would be all about cuts.Brian Sandoval: "To balance this budget there are going to be reductions, we are going to have to go back to 2007 levels."Reid built off that remark by calling Sandoval "Jim Gibbons in a new suit." But both candidates took a stance against any future tax increasesThis was the second debate between these two candidates for governor.Next Thursday, the two major party candidates for US Senate will debate.You'll be able to listen at 6pm Thursday to the debate between incumbent democrat Harry Reid and republican Sharron Angle here on KUNR.