Aware of the fear and tensions the communities are facing in light of President Donald Trump’s mass deportations the caucus will introduce The Family Unity Support Act.
The bill aims to provide safeguards to U.S. born children if their undocumented parents or guardians are deported. The bill would provide legal, social, and educational resources.
Assembly member Cecelia Gonzalez said that she’s been contacted by members that share a home with at least one member, often a parent, who does not have legal status or a mixed status household, and are scared of being separated from their family.
“We have seen a decrease in students going to school. Some students have been asked to do distance education,” Gonzalez said. “Some students' families are scared to even come to school in fear that they could potentially be picked up at school.”
The caucus is still working on the final details of the bill.
“ We're trying to figure out what is the best and most appropriate place to put the logistics of who's going to have oversight,” Gonzalez said. “We want to ensure that these children have the resources that they need to continue [and] be successful in school.”
A child’s long-term health and development can be negatively impacted when exposed to deportation, according to the American Immigration Council. And can lead to negative educational outcomes.
The Latino Caucus, along with the ACLU Nevada, are also preparing a bill resolution condemning the immigration raids in places such as churches and schools.
Other Policy Initiatives and Bills:
- Mandated Court Notification: Ensures that individuals receive clear , timely, and accessible notifications about their court proceedings, preventing missed hearings that could lead to unnecessary legal consequences.
- Second Look Act: Allows individuals who received excessively long sentences at a young age to have their cases reviewed, providing an opportunity for reconsideration based on rehabilitation and growth. Supporting Small Businesses: Provide resources and incentives to Latino entrepreneurs, including grants, tax breaks, and access to capital, so they can grow their businesses and contribute to local economies.
- Supporting Farm-Working Communities: Advocate for labor protections, better wages, and healthcare access for farm workers, ensuring these critical workers have dignity and fair treatment.
- First-Time Homeowners Assistance: Expand programs to help first-time homebuyers, particularly in Latino communities, with down payment assistance, education, and affordable mortgage options.
- English Learners Accountability and Success Act: This aims to improve educational outcomes for English Language Learners (ELLs) by strengthening data collection, accountability, and support systems. It requires schools to develop plans for ELL success, ensures proper oversight, and establishes training requirements for educators. The bill also introduces policies to give newcomers more time to complete high school while learning English.