Many new moms in Nevada have a hard time getting face-to-face support with breast feeding. Reno Public Radio’s Marcus Lavergne reports on a new app that connects professionals to those who need help.
According to Lindsey Dermid-Grey, a breastfeeding coordinator with the state’s Women, Infant and Children program, most women need some form of lactation care or advice.
“But in the Rural areas there’s absolutely no professional lactation support to be found for hundreds of miles, so many of our WIC’s moms, our low-income moms, lack access to this gold standard of lactation support."
There’s only one International Board Certified Lactation Consultant outside of Nevada’s major urban areas Reno and Las Vegas. According to WIC, thousands went without support last year.
Dermid-Grey says the new Pacify app opens up 24/7 video access to a certified consultant.
“Moms who may or may not have a greater chance of being in poverty and having their children be exposed to the native health effects of poverty now have a greater chance of being able to provide breast milk to their children.”
The Pacify app, which is available to the public for a membership fee, also offers dietary support and answers to other pediatric concerns.