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As Trump Wins Election, Reno Supporters Never Lost Faith

Noah Glick

Hillary Clinton may have won the state of Nevada, but it was Republican Donald Trump who won the Presidential election.

Reno Public Radio’s Noah Glick spoke with local Trump supporters at last night’s Washoe County GOP Viewing Party, where they touted their candidate billed as the ultimate outsider.

Pundits predicted he’d never make it out of the primaries. The polls said he’d never win. But many of his supporters never lost faith.

“I have been his biggest cheerleader and I am so excited I can’t even see straight!”

That’s Katrina Fox. She lives in Sacramento, but wanted to show her support for Trump in the battleground Silver State.

“I guess what drew me to him, himself would be the closed borders. Or, building the wall and deporting illegal immigrants basically,” Fox says.

John Reed is a pastor at Calvary Chapel in Northwest Reno. He says his Christian beliefs led him to Trump.

“He’s very conservative, very Christian in addressing the issues," he says. "I know in his behavior he’s been controversial, colorful, a little immoral maybe in his speech, but really it’s the issues that the Christians are voting on.”

Another supporter, Laura Burks also says it’s more about issues than character.

“I’m not going to say I love the man dearly, but I think he gives us a chance," Burks says. "I think he’s a fighter. He’s definitely shown he’s a worker. He’s definitely shown he has a love for our country, or he wouldn’t be out there doing what he’s doing.”

Trump won the election with 276 electoral votes.

Protests began in cities across the country after Donald Trump was elected, including in Los Angeles, Chicago and Berkeley, California.

Noah Glick is a former content director and host at KUNR Public Radio.
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