The establishments will allow patrons to consume cannabis legally on-site. The City of Reno’s Business License Manager, Lance Ferrato, said there are mixed feelings.
“The opposition is generally against, you know, intoxicated driving. That’s been the big one,” Ferrato said. “Those in favor are generally people that are looking for an avenue to be able to participate in smoking cannabis or eating cannabis out in public.”
The city will continue to solicit feedback until December 9, and the data will be presented to Reno City Council at the end of January.
Of the 40 approved, only two cannabis lounges will be in Northern Nevada, in Storey County and Washoe Valley, with the rest in Southern Nevada. Applications are no longer being approved. State law limits the number of establishments to 40.
Many Northern Nevada municipalities have opted out, including the city of Sparks, Carson City, and Elko.