A new free transportation service in rural Nevada helps Medicaid and low-income residents access healthcare, groceries, and more. Sponsored by SilverSummit Healthplan and Access to Healthcare Network.
Following KUNR Public Radio’s four-part series, on maternal health care deserts in rural Nevada and the role doulas play, KUNR’s Lucia Starbuck moderated a webinar with a doctor, doula, and state lawmaker to continue the conversation about solutions to improve rural maternal health care.
What role can doulas play for expectant parents in rural communities? For some moms in Northern Nevada, they’ve been a lifeline. The fourth and final installment of the series The Long Road to Maternal Care shines a light on those relationships.
¿Qué papel pueden desempeñar las doulas para los futuros padres de las comunidades rurales? Para algunas madres del norte de Nevada, han sido un salvavidas. La cuarta y última entrega de la serie "El largo camino hacia la atención prenatal" arroja luz sobre esas relaciones.
As conversations on how to improve birth and maternal outcomes grow, birth workers like doulas are rising in popularity. The third installment of The Long Road to Maternal Care series breaks down what this profession does and what it means for it to be covered under Medicaid in Nevada.
A medida que aumentan las conversaciones sobre cómo mejorar el parto y los pronósticos maternos, las parteras, como las doulas, son cada vez más populares. El tercer artículo de la serie "El largo camino hacia la atención prenatal" explica qué hacen las doulas y qué significa que sus servicios los cubra Medicaid en Nevada.
With half of Nevada’s counties considered maternal health care deserts, where do expectant parents find care? The second installment of The Long Road to Maternal Care series looks into the patchwork of resources for rural communities.
More than half of Nevada counties do not have a hospital that provides routine labor and delivery and is without an OB-GYN. The first installment to kick off the series The Long Road to Maternal Care explores maternal health care deserts.
KUNR held its third Pints & Purple Politics event tied to the 2023 Nevada Legislative Session on Wednesday at Reno Little Theater. Purple Politics Nevada host Lucia Starbuck moderated the conversation with two of Nevada’s top Democrats: Secretary of State Cisco Aguilar and Treasurer Zach Conine. This week’s episode of Purple Politics Nevada recaps the event.