STEM education in Nevada is getting a boost through a new undergraduate student training program.
During the recent Nevada legislative session, teacher pay was a hot topic for lawmakers and educators making their voices heard.
Washoe County School District Superintendent Susan Enfield gave her first State of Education address Thursday night and shared the challenges and changes the district is facing.
The Nevada State Education Association estimates there are more than 2,700 unfilled teacher positions in the state. The Elko County School District, for example, is struggling to fill 82 positions. Some proposed solutions include increasing salaries or moving to a four-day school week.
School districts across Nevada are facing a shortage of teachers. Some have recently resigned or retired, and these losses are especially hard in more rural areas, where it’s already difficult to recruit educators. That’s left some teachers in Elko County stressed and concerned about their students’ well-being.
Read or listen to the news headlines for Monday, August 15, 2022.
Read or listen to news headlines for Thursday, August 11, 2022.
Read or listen to news headlines for Friday, July 1, 2022.
There are six candidates vying to be a Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) regent in District 8. They spoke about funding and access to education for rural Nevada during a forum hosted by the Nevada Faculty Alliance.
Read or listen to the morning news headlines for Wednesday, March 2, 2022.