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Ecohydrology: University attracting undergrads to nation's only program

Laurel Saito, Ph.D., P.E.

Water is a major topic as well as a vital resource that needs careful study, planning and management to sustain all the human activity in our arid region. The University of Nevada, Reno, offers the nation's only undergraduate program in ecohydrology -- the blending of ecology, hydrology and biology, among other sciences. Ecohydrology involves understanding not just water cycles and natural systems, but the environmental and ecological effects from humans' systems for moving and using water.

Ecohydrology -- which provides opportunities for students and is integral to economic development and quality of life -- was the subject on KUNR's Beyond the Headlines in a conversation with University of Nevada, Reno President Marc Johnson and Dr.  Laurel Saito, faculty member in the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources, and the director of the Graduate program of Hydrologic Sciences, a collaboration between the University and the Desert Research Institute. (Interviewed by David Stipech; air date: 4-3-15.)

More about the University's Ecohydrology major

More about the Graduate Program of Hydrologic Sciences

More about the University of Nevada, Reno

David Stipech is a former general manager at KUNR Public Radio.
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