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Banner with text. Social media community guidelines.

The following text serves as the official comment policy for users of KUNR Public Radio’s social networking platforms. All participants in our social networking platforms and other media properties are required to follow these rules. These guidelines are largely adapted from materials created by NPR.

KUNR Public Radio uses social media as a tool to engage with our followers and listeners in new ways and to foster public discussion. KUNR Public Radio takes this role seriously. Through the station’s website, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and more, we encourage you to engage online with us and share your questions, comments and ideas.

These are our rules to participate in KUNR Public Radio social networking features, including discussions and comments. We reserve the right to block your comments if you break the following rules.

If you can’t be polite, don’t say it.

We encourage discussion of controversial issues. We’re not always going to agree with each other but please be respectful. Focus your remarks on positions, not your internet peers. No personal attacks, name-calling, libel, defamation, hate speech, etc. Under no circumstances should you post anything that could be taken as threatening, harassing, bullying, obscene, pornographic, or derogatory in any way.

Don’t use obscenities.

That holds true even if the word in question is often used in conversation. This is a public space and we want everyone to feel comfortable to participate.

Please respect people’s privacy.

Do not share anyone’s contact information in your comments. You are free to share your ideas and experiences.

Please stay on topic.

If the discussion veers from the original subject of the post, it will be deleted. Don’t hijack KUNR’s platforms for your own agenda. This is not a space for self-promotion, recruiting, sales, advertising, campaigning, lobbying, soliciting, or proselytizing. Please use your best judgment.

Do not “feed” the trolls.

We encourage community members to report abuse by trolls, but we also ask that you not engage with trolls in the comment threads. Reacting to their provocations is exactly what they want. If we see you feed a troll, then we will remove both the troll’s comments and your responses.

Be yourself.

Don’t post anything on the site posing as someone else. Anything you share on KUNR’s platforms must be your own work.

You are solely responsible for the content you post.

KUNR Public Radio is not responsible for the content posted by its users. We do not and cannot review all user content posted on our social media platforms; however, we have the right (but not the obligation) to review, screen, delete, edit and/or move any content posted on the site.

News tips? Send them privately.

We appreciate the news tips you send us; however, KUNR Public Radio reserves the right not to publicize rumors, allegations, conspiracy theories and other information, which we know to be false or unsubstantiated. Please don’t use public forums for individual communications. You can direct message us or email through our “contact us” page. If you have comments about KUNR Public Radio coverage or policies in general, we prefer email communication. For issues regarding station editorial content or policies, write us through the contact us page.

Your comments might be used on-air.

Commenting on our social media sites and website means you agree to let KUNR Public Radio use your comments in a variety of ways, including on the air.