Contact KUNR
Mailing Address: 1664 North Virginia St., MS 0294, Reno, NV 89557
Office Phone: (775) 327-5867
Membership: (775) 682-6300
Fax: (775) 327-5386
Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
Regular Business Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. PT
- To submit a press release to KUNR News, click here.
- Inquire about business support here.
- To find a program: KUNR schedule | KNCJ schedule | complete program list
- Direct questions for 89.5 KNCJ here.
- Suggest a topic or story here.
- Suggest a story correction here.
- To report a web streaming issue, please email us or call (775) 682-6300.
- For all other inquiries or general feedback, contact us by email here.
KUNR is located in Edmund J. Cain Hall on the University of Nevada, Reno campus. View directions here.