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Illustration of rolling hills with occasional trees and a radio tower.
Serving Northern Nevada and the Eastern Sierra
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Do you love KUNR Public Radio? Come volunteer with us!

If you love public radio, volunteering is a wonderful way to help sustain our station and the programming you love. At KUNR, we love volunteers — we couldn’t run the station without them!

Do you want to become an invaluable part of your public radio station? Join us today as a volunteer!

Why volunteer with KUNR Public Radio?

  • Support KUNR’s mission to bring our community news and information that matters.
  • Go behind the scenes and learn about the programs and hosts you love.
  • Meet others who share your passion for public radio!
  • Gain hands-on experience in public radio

When can I volunteer?

We have volunteer opportunities throughout the year. Our busiest times are during our Membership Drives, which occur in the fall and spring. Email us at member@kunr.org to be added to our volunteer list. You will receive emails when we have volunteer opportunities, and if you are available, simply reply and we will put you on the schedule!!

What kind of projects do volunteers do?

There are a variety of projects here at KUNR that would benefit from the assistance of volunteers. Some projects only happen twice a year, like our Membership Drives, other projects are weekly or monthly. Some work you could do as a volunteer include:

  • Assisting with our mailers to members; stuffing envelopes and mailing out thank you gifts
  • Handwriting thank you cards
  • Community outreach
  • Answering phones during our Membership Drives
  • And much more!

How do I become a volunteer?

Simply email us at member@kunr.org to be added to our volunteer list! We will occasionally email you with projects or special events as they arise to find out if you are available or interested. Simply respond to us via email or by calling Niki Strataras, our membership services coordinator, at (775) 682-6056 and we will schedule you!