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NIH Grant boosts University brain research

Psychology Professor Mike Webster
University of Nevada, Reno

University of Nevada, Reno psychology professor Mike Webster is excited about how the university is advancing neuroscience research with the aid of technology previously unavailable in northern Nevada. Webster discussed the university's recent $10 million grant from the National Institutes of Health with David Stipech on KUNR's Beyond the Headlines (air date 2-13-15).

The grant funds brain research using advanced functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) through a partnership with Renown Regional Medical Center. By scanning people with healthy and impaired brains virtually in real time, scientists and researchers are able to gain important insights into the brain, with relevance to every facet of work and life. 

Background provided by the University of Nevada, Reno:

The University was recently awarded $10 million grant through the National Institutes of Health to expand the University’s neuroscience research and capability.

The project involves University researchers collaborating from the College of Liberal Arts (psychology), College of Science, College of Engineering and School of Medicine.

The recent, big news is the purchase of new MRI technology that will support enhanced research on brain function. Known as functional MRI or fMRI, the technology is based at Renown Medical Center.

fMRI has revolutionized the field of neuroscience and has led to many new discoveries about how the brain works and how it is affected by injury or disease. This technology has not been available in northern Nevada until now. This facility will make the University more competitive for research grants and for recruiting faculty and students in the neurosciences.

A new interdisciplinary master of science/doctoral degree program in integrative neuroscience is slated for approval by the Board of Regents this spring.  

Additional information:

More about fMRI at the University of Nevada, Reno

More information about the University's Psychology Department

More about the University of Nevada, Reno

KUNR is licensed to the Nevada System of Higher Education Board of Regents and is a service of the University of Nevada, Reno -- broadcasting from the campus since 1963.

David Stipech is a former general manager at KUNR Public Radio.
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