Vedant Malhotra is a self-taught coder. For his winning submission, he created an iPad app that allows users to respond to messages or draw without touching the screen. It has hand-tracking capabilities using the camera, similar to the Apple Vision Pro virtual reality headset.

Malhotra said there are benefits to hand-tracking technology.
“Sometimes your hand might be dirty, and you don’t want to interact with the screen,” Malhotra said. “If you’re eating food or something, you can pause the video.”
Malhotra is studying computer science and engineering at the University of Nevada, Reno. He wants to continue developing apps.
“What I really like about coding is how open-ended it is. The sky is genuinely the limit here,” Malhotra said. “There’s so many things you can do, our devices get more capable just all the time.”
In June, Malhotra will go to Apple Park in California for the annual Worldwide Developers Conference.