The Mountain West News Bureau was awarded three national awards from the Public Media Journalists Association’s (PMJA) annual contest this spring.
Collaborative Effort
The Mountain West News Bureau was awarded first place in the Collaborative Effort category for its series Working for Water by reporters Emma VandenEinde, Emma Gibson and Kaleb Roedel. The series focuses on water access issues among tribal communities in the Rio Grande basin:
Health/Medical Feature
Idaho-based reporter Murphy Woodhouse won first place in the Health/Medical Feature category for his piece on a new national registry that seeks to improve understanding of the association between all types of firefighting and cancer and help reduce those risks:
Use of Sound
Idaho-based reporter Murphy Woodhouse also picked up a second place award in the Use of Sound category for his feature on Boise’s first Repair Café, complete with the whirring of a repaired juicer, resurrected vacuum cleaners, a pair sandals saved by new strips of Velcro, and more:
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