Conservation groups are suing the federal government for failing to protect a national trail in the Mountain West that they say is under ‘eco-assault’ due to industrial development.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is spending nearly $10 million on projects that restore the sagebrush ecosystem in the West, which is shrinking due to development and climate change.
Conservation groups say they intend to sue the federal government if it doesn’t take steps to protect the world’s smallest rabbit, which is found across the Mountain West.
This is the time of year when wildflowers are coloring fields and forests across the Mountain West. But one rare flower that grows in a small corner of the region is threatened by development and climate change.
Wildlife agencies are purchasing 3,345 acres of ranchland in the Mountain West that serves as a critical habitat for several species, including a threatened Western fish.
A new study looks into how many fish are in reservoirs across the U.S., and what role these ecosystems could play in conservation and food security.
The Interior Department is spending another $70 million to reopen habitat for native fish in many parts of the U.S., including the Mountain West.
With the habitat shrinking for Lahontan Cutthroat Trout, fish and wildlife officials are working to return the fish to a river in the Mountain West.
A coalition of Western conservationists and tribes are working to protect more public lands before the November presidential election.
Last week, U.S. Sen. Jacky Rosen introduced legislation that would make federal land available for development, local government use, and conservation.