The University of Nevada, Reno and Truckee Meadows Community College are creating a workforce pipeline for Northern Nevada’s advanced manufacturing sector. KUNR contributor Kaleb Roedel of the Northern Nevada Business View has more.
Manufacturing is the fastest-growing industry in the state, swelling by 13.8% in just one year, according to the Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation. That's an influx of 6,500 jobs.
TMCC recently unveiled its new Cyber-Physical Factory lab, which allows students to use scaled down, simulated factory processes to manufacture mock products in a completely automated environment.
The new equipment will be used in existing Associate Degree programs and their new programs in Cyber-Physical Manufacturing slated for Fall 2019.
UNR's College of Engineering launched a manufacturing minor to train students to become skilled in quality control and assurance to certify product durability.
Officials from the colleges say they are working with Tesla to build connections. Tesla is projected to employ 20,000 at its full 5.8 million-square-foot build-out.
To find out more, visit the Northern Nevada Business View.