Reno-based licensed therapist Frank Lemus knows that during the COVID-19 crisis, his practice is more important than ever, and he’s focusing on providing his clients with a sense of safety and security.
Lemus has adjusted to social distancing requirements by offering counseling sessions remotely, via videoconference software Zoom, instead of inside his practice, a red-brick home off of Wells Avenue. So far, he’s had three new clients while 12 others have put their counseling sessions on hold.
“Many of my clients are uncomfortable doing remote therapy,” Lemus told The Nevada Independent. “Many of them are also worried about finances and are trying to save their money in case the crisis goes on longer than they think.”
Lemus adjusted fairly easily to the remote sessions himself, although he faced a few obstacles, such as finding a webcam after Best Buy had sold out so his clients could see him face-to-face.
With 30 years of counseling experience, Lemus feels confident that his practice will “return to normal” once the health crisis slows down and the quarantine period is over. In the meantime, he’s doing his best to provide his clients with guidance that can help them maintain their mental wellbeing.
The therapist said the fear among his clients is clear — “there’s no question about it.” He said the fear, while natural, magnifies anxiety issues his clients were struggling with prior to the virus outbreak.
Visit The Nevada Independent for the complete story.