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Elizabeth Warren Makes Campaign Visit To Northern Nevada

Elizabeth Warren speaking at her rally in Reno.
Paolo Zialcita
KUNR Public Radio

On the same day President Donald Trump gave a speech in Clark County, Massachusetts Senator and presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren made her first stop in Reno on Saturday. KUNR’s Paolo Zialcita has more.

A line of several dozen people stood outside Wooster High School’s gymnasium in anticipation of Elizabeth Warren’s first rally in Northern Nevada.

Some attendees talked about the issues they’re hoping Warren will address in the 2020 primary season. John Sturtevant, a school teacher from Truckee, was hopeful about Warren’s passion for the environment, a major factor in Truckee’s tourism industry.

"Everything with the environment and global warming is affecting our community up there,” Sturtevant said. “And we just had an amazing winter, which is great, but what are the candidates going to do to ensure that that continues and that we're taking care of our environment and not letting it be destroyed?"

During the rally, Warren spoke in front of a packed gymnasium. She discussed her childhood in Oklahoma and how her parents struggled to make ends meet, which ultimately forged her political beliefs.

Warren’s rhetoric focused on bringing attention to economic inequality and expressed her dislike of multinational corporations. She framed issues such as universal healthcare and climate change through this perspective.

“We have a government that works great for giant oil companies that want to drill everywhere, just not for the rest of us who see climate change bearing down upon us,” Warren said.

Warrens finds herself in a crowded field of Democratic candidates. She hopes to set herself apart through clear and concise campaigning.

“I make clear what's broken, what we can do to fix it and how we're going to build a grassroots movement to make that happen.”

Fellow Democratic contender Kamala Harris made a pitstop in Carson City earlier this week, making Warren the second major Democrat to visit Northern Nevada this year.

The Nevada Caucus will be held next February.

Paolo Zialcita is a former student reporter at KUNR Public Radio.
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