Starship Technologies utilizes robots to make food deliveries on numerous college campuses in the U.S., including the University of Nevada, Reno, and one thing is certain — they sure turn a lot of heads when rolling around campus.
Reno, Nev., is launching America’s first city-backed blockchain ledger, despite mounting fear, uncertainty and doubt about this new technology.
Google Maps will soon launch a new filter that shows the location of active wildfires. Beyond just mapping fires, it will also provide local emergency information when available.
Here’s the latest business news from around Northern Nevada, with Business Beat from the Northern Nevada Business Weekly.On-Demand Laundry App Launches In…
The CEOs tell Congress that the giant American tech companies do not stifle competition, saying the concern that too much power is concentrated in too few companies is unfounded.
New Report Spotlights The Rural West’s Connectivity Gap A report published this week by the National Association of Counties found that more than 75% of...
Skyscrapers Not Needed: Research Shows High Potential For Innovation In Rural Mountain West CountiesNew research shows that you don’t need a big population to foster innovation.
On a recent walk along a trail north of Boise, Idaho near dusk, photographer Glenn Oakley stopped and pointed. “Oh, over there. See that owl?” A great...
The incessant use of smartphones and other technologies has addictive qualities. New York Times Bestselling Author Adam Alter explores how tech companies…
From ATMs to self-checkout lines, automation technology is everywhere. And there’s a growing fear that as technology advances it could eliminate millions…